A collection of our memories.

​a bit of what we done and enjoy.

​Working together with the Forest Service in restoration of the Oregon Dunes by removing invasive species like the European beach grass. 

Exciting news. Join us for updates, discounts , events and volunteer days. Help us keep doing what we do, and join in the fight and fun.

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To Protect Our Riding Rights On Our Public Lands


save the riders dunes

representing the (odnra)

Oregon Dunes

national recreational area 

Signal Tree Restoration Project

Saturday, April 28th STRD , along with USFS will be having a restoration and vegetation management event to restore the area around Signal Tree....

  This is an important landmark, as it marks the junction from Hauser road to beach access.... Before the days of GPS, this was used for both navigating to and from the beach, as well as a meeting point for separated parties or to meet up with others....

 Due to the overgrowth of Scotch  Broom, Gorse and other  shore pine crowding, it is all but lost to sight...

 So, on Saturday April 28th, we will be managing the vegetation choking off Signal Tree. Using downed trees etc to provide a barrier to keep  vehicle traffic from going up to and  preventing unwanted damage, while still allowing foot traffic up to the area...

 On our FB page, you will see an event tab for both the restoration as well as the sawyer training on April 27th for those wishing to get certified and do some cutting.... We will have some heavy equipment to do some heavy work loads, but bring what hand tools you feel necessary to clear brush......

STRD will provide lunch for the volunteers, and we will have signage to get you to the area.... Will meet at 8:00 am at Signal Tree itself. Plan on all day, and we hope to get some explorations in of the area along with working......